Motivation from within. “Even in a busy day, I made it a priority to get the bookings for parties and I was soon able to re-organize my life around my faith, family and my Mary Kay business,” shares Independent National Sales Director Kim McClure. She was a bride-to-be working a 70-hour week in the health care profession when she added her Mary Kay business to the mix.
Kim says, “For the first year, I thought that it was too good to be true and I was on a mission to figure out what the catch was.” She soon realized that working her Mary Kay business didn’t create the stress that her nursing profession did and she was happy doing it. She also began dreaming again and could see endless opportunities for her and her family. She made a commitment to herself to schedule two skin care classes a week, and that strategy laid the foundation for the success that she experiences today. She says, “My Mary Kay business has taught me that I am more capable than I ever thought that I was!”
Over the years, Kim has turned to different role models for advice and inspiration. Independent Executive National Sales Director Emeritus Maxine Sandvig taught her that attitude is everything and rather than focus on being perfect, just do the very best you can. And from her friend and mentor, Independent Senior National Sales Director Pamela Waldrop Shaw, Kim gained her vision of success while also realizing that she didn’t have to be like everyone else. Rounding out Kim’s support system is her devoted husband, Bob, and their three children; Lindsay, Bobbie and Austin. Together they enjoy cheering on their hometown team – the Pittsburgh Steelers, as well as traveling and just being together.
Kim’s passion is changing lives and helping the women in her community understand that they don’t have to be defined by their past, or even their current circumstances. She shares, “Life is what you make of it and I am blessed to have the opportunity to help others to develop a vision for their life that they never dreamed was possible before…and then achieve it!”