A personal evolution. A single parent with four children, Independent National Sales Director Emeritus María Aguirre felt frustrated and sad. “I worked 10 hour days in my little store. It was very difficult – so many expenses and not enough income,” María remembers.
At her first Mary Kay guest event, María was so moved by what she experienced that she cried all the way home. “I felt a door was opening for me, a door of hope,” she explains, “I felt if I worked my Mary Kay business consistently, I could resolve my problems.”
Initially, the change in María was principally economic. “Then,” she points out, “The focus became finding my own spirit and valuing me. The Mary Kay opportunity changed my life. I learned to instill values in others – to love people, to be patient and to have respect.”
María’s favorite memory of Mary Kay Ash happened when Mary Kay said to her, “You can do it!” and María was so timid that she could only say, “Thank you, Mary Kay.” What a difference now!
“Mary Kay, the opportunity, reaches into the hearts of the Hispanic people. They are moved by Mary Kay’s vision.” Now, as an Emeritus, Maria will continue to pass along that important message.