Valerie Bagnol

Independent Senior National Sales Director Emeritus
Valerie Bagnol
Cumming, Georgia


Began, November 1986; Independent Sales Director, June 1987; Independent National Sales Director, September 1993.


“It has been especially gratifying for me as a black woman
to proudly stress the Company’s philosophy of equality.”

Positivity at its finest. Coming to America from Jamaica wasn’t an easy transition for Independent Senior National Sales Director Emeritus Valerie Bagnol. “But it didn’t matter because I had a burning desire, and I knew I could make it.”

That desire sparked when she discovered the Mary Kay opportunity and Valerie’s positivity and determination never waned. “I could see that this was an opportunity I could not afford to miss,” Valerie recalls. “I made the switch from nursing and plunged headlong into my Mary Kay business.”

And because of her passion and commitment to that Mary Kay decision, many advantages for her husband and family, as well as a balanced life, have been enjoyed, it’s Valerie’s personal growth that stands out the most. “Today I am certain that since 1986, when I started, many of my best personal qualities have surfaced, and my family’s well-being has been positively impacted,” she says.

“It has been especially gratifying for me, as a black woman, to proudly stress the Company’s philosophy of equality – treating everyone the way you want to be treated,” Valerie continues. “I was thrilled to work in a business where devotion, discipline, confidence, honesty, independence and faith in God were valued.”

As an NSD Emeritus, Valerie plans to stay as active as ever, while she travels and focuses on her, while enjoying all her balanced life continues to offer.

The skills Valerie carries with her into the next chapter of her life are her contagious positivity and the skill of encouragement. She’s learned to bring forth the best in everyone around her. Valerie understands the importance of continuing to be an influential role model for women in every walk of life and intends to pursue life to that end for many wonderful years to come.