Nancy Bonner

Independent Senior National Sales Director Emeritus
Nancy Bonner
Fayetteville, Georgia


Began, October 1970; Independent Sales Director, August 1974; Independent National Sales Director, July 1997; Annual Go-Give Award, 1990


“As my boys grew, so did my business. I met women at ball games, wrestling matches, soccer fields, community events and church. ”


Five men and a lady. As my boys grew, so did my business. I met women at ball games, wrestling matches, soccer fields, community events and church.Independent Senior National Sales Director Emeritus Nancy Bonner recalled

In fact, Nancy started her Mary Kay business when her first of four sons was two years old. After having her second son, she left her hair styling career to work her Mary Kay business full time. Three days before her third son was born, she went into Independent Sales Director-in-Qualification. By the time her fourth son came along, she was on her way to the top – eventually earning 10 Top Sales Director Trips and the use of 10 pink Cadillac Career Cars.

“Because of my business, our sons have grew up in a home full of love, encouragement and a positive family environment,” Nancy says. “My family and I enjoyed a whole new lifestyle because of this wonderful Mary Kay opportunity.”

Nancy is proud of the 27 years it took her to become an Independent National Sales Director. “When I debuted, it was worth it all to have my husband and our sons onstage with me,” Nancy says. “I enjoyed every step, and I’m always looking to the future with excitement and enthusiasm. I thank God daily that I did not say no to this wonderful opportunity.”