Angie Day

Independent Senior National Sales Director Emeritus
Angie Day
Broken Arrow, Oklahoma

Insurance company office manager

Began, July 1990; Independent Sales Director, February 1992; Independent National Sales Director, July 2014

“The Mary Kay way works when we all work our businesses together. It’s about taking people on the journey with you.”

Do it Anyway. A woman of consistency and persistence with the motto, “Work hard, so you can play harder,” Independent Senior National Sales Director Emeritus, Angie Day, never viewed her Mary Kay business as work, “because it was so much fun!” she said. A woman who took her sales force leadership role as a true mission, Angie confidently and unwaveringly believed she was led to people who wanted or needed what the Mary Kay opportunity offered.

“I was very consistent in my work ethic, so that I could enjoy all the rewards my business provided for our family.” 24 years later, and with countless stories of reaching for and resetting goals, Angie debuted as a Mary Kay Independent Senior National Sales Director, the same month her offspring Independent National Sales Director, Krista Warner, debuted. Her daughter, Leah, was at her side as an Independent Sales Director from her Area.

Angie feels blessed to have been personally prepared for sales force leadership by Mary Kay Ash. “Although there were hundreds of women at new Independent Sales Director Orientation in Dallas, Mary Kay made me feel like I was the only one in the room the day I met her. That’s a gift I tried to emulate. She asked me to pass on her legacy and her love for women,” and that’s what Angie purposed to do in her heart that day. “One thing I learned from her,” Angie recalls, “was that, no matter where you were on the career path, she celebrated with you, and then gave you a next goal. She expected more, in a good way.”

Angie believed in being a working leader. “In my entire Mary Kay journey, if I gave a challenge, I had either done it or I worked to accomplish it with everyone.” A turning point for her, as a sales force leader, was when she formed the “B.I.D.I.A. Club,” meaning, I didn’t want to do it, but I did it anyway. Angie issued a challenge to her unit to meet five new contacts a day. In other words, five B.I.D.I.A.s a day – a challenge in which she participated. Angie recalls one day she was not having fun. “I didn’t want to do it that day. My life was forever changed and countless, even thousands, of other lives have been transformed because of that one day I did it anyway.” That was the day she met the woman who introduced her to her offspring Independent National Sales Director, Krista Warner. And the rest is history.

Angie believed her mission from Mary Kay Ash was to empower women to know that anything was possible, if they were willing to put the effort and the energy into their own Mary Kay businesses. “And like my Independent Sales Director, Sue Ammons, kept doing for me, so many women just needed my belief in them.”

What’s next for Angie, as an NSD Emeritus? Well, her attitude hasn’t changed! She says, “Fun, fun and more fun! It’s always been my motto to work hard so we could play harder. We will travel more around the country, experience new places and have new adventures.” There’s also a charity, very dear to Angie’s heart, to which she is looking forward to devoting more time, energy and resources.

And the lessons and skills she carries with her will serve not only Angie and her family, but others, as well. “Priorities in place, I will continue to make others feel special, love them where they are in their journey and hope to always be a positive influence in their lives,” Angie explains. I am looking forward to celebrating everyone as they achieve their goals and dreams.”

Angie is grateful to Mary Kay Ash to have been blessed to spend the last 31 years representing her Company and is looking forward to carrying on her legacy. And just so you know, Angie adds, “If and when someone approaches me, offers their card and asks, I will hold a skin care party for them and purchase a full roll up bag at full retail!”