A wonderful
transformation. Independent Senior National Sales Director Emeritus Rosa Enríquez remembers well when she felt “different” for the first time. In 1980, she was still a new Independent Beauty Consultant and, contrary to her custom of dressing down in slacks and wearing no makeup, she bought a dress and put an effort into her appearance because she was attending a Mary Kay function.
route, her daughter’s friend saw her and said, “You look beautiful!”
Rosa allowed herself – for the first time – to accept a compliment.
“Before Mary Kay, I was an extremely bitter, negative, insecure,
resentful person.”
But Rosa has changed and
persevered. This mother of four and grandmother of five has witnessed,
after 20 years of treatment and seven surgeries, the recovery of
her oldest daughter from a rare form of cancer. Yazmin, now well,
is a teacher for the hearing-impaired.
Rosa’s Mary Kay career
has been the catalyst of a wonderful transformation. “Suffice it
to say I feel younger now than when I was 30 – and I have the pictures
to prove it! Not only am I a happy, confident, satisfied and, yes,
a pretty woman, my family, too, has felt the positive impact of
my Mary Kay career. I’ve earned everything this Company has to offer
– trips, money, diamonds and the use of cars. Yet, nothing has been
worth more than the positive outlook of the Mary Kay way of life
and the satisfaction of offering the gift of the Mary Kay opportunity
to women in my native country, Mexico.”