Alia Head

Independent National Sales Director
Alia Head
Knoxville, Tennessee


Law school student

"Testify to Love"

Began, December 1981; Independent Sales Director, October 1982; Independent National Sales Director, October 1998; Monthly Go-Give Award, January 1999

Motivated by:
The sparkle in my children’s eyes, supporting causes I believe in and seeing others succeed
My best asset:
A heart that desires to bring out the best in others
Favorite vacation spot:
Colorado Rockies


“I now enjoy the lifestyle of my dreams.”

Mission of the heart. As a 20-year-old college student, Independent National Sales Director Alia Head was excited about her acceptance to law school and a future career as an attorney. After working with attorneys and in law court, Alia became more and more disillusioned with the system. “I knew I had to invest my life in a different career. I believed God had a better plan for me,” Alia says.

That’s when Alia called an Independent Sales Director and asked about a part-time Mary Kay business. The more she heard, the more intrigued she became. “I could work my own hours, earn great commissions and lead others to success. There it was – my dream profession,” Alia exclaims.


Today, she loves working from home with her two children close by. “I can be with them to experience priceless moments and see the sparkle in their eyes over the tiniest things,” Alia says. “I now enjoy the lifestyle of my dreams.”


Alia’s mission is to help other women experience that dream for themselves. “I want to teach them how to have a well-balanced life so they have time for what they enjoy most instead of being consumed by the balances in their checkbooks,” she says. It’s a purpose Alia takes to heart.