Roya Mattis

Independent National Sales Director
Roya Mattis
Ashburn, Virginia


Hotel Tourism Management

"I Am Woman" by Jordan Sparks

Began, April 1998, Independent Sales Director, November 2001, Independent National Sales Director, July 2013; Monthly Go-Give Award October 2008, Queen of Sharing 2006, 2011

Motivated by:
The success of others; taking others with her.
My best asset:
Favorite vacation spot:
Anywhere new to explore!


“You can see your missed goals as failure or as a launching pad for the next goal. Just get up one more time than you fall down.”


Commit to never quit. When Independent National Sales Director Roya Mattis started her Mary Kay business, her entrepreneurial spirit and work ethic were already in place, deep within. Even the perseverance her journey would require of her was there, but she had not yet discovered how persistently she would have to call upon those qualities of a champion when she invested in her first Starter Kit.

Born in Tehran, Iran, Roya was five when her parents lost everything and had moved to the U.S. Watching her mom and dad persevere for what they wanted, in the midst of loss and hardship, taught Roya to do the same. Married to Noah, she wishes everyone had a husband like him. “He is my best supporter and cheerleader. He believed, even when I couldn’t.” Roya and Noah are the proud, loving parents of daughter, Aryah and son, Zayden.

Her Mary Kay journey taught Roya that developing into a leader takes preparation, correct perspective and reaching up. “I know that, like me, some people walk around with a whisper in their hearts that tells them they are meant for something more. I thought what I was searching for was a corporate building with a prestigious title, but with that, I became unexcited about life.” It took one person inviting her back to work her Mary Kay business to finally understand how amazing the Mary Kay opportunity could be and that it’s truly about enriching women’s lives. Now, Roya says she will always take the time to invite someone back, because she learned that, “she’ll take a recommitted woman over a committed one any day of the week.”

It took her three attempts in DIQ to become an Independent Sales Director… “and that’s been the best thing for my business,” Roya says. “When I started, I had a fear of failure so deep that I’d only put my heart halfway over the line, so I’d have something to blame if I didn’t make it.” Thanks to Gloria Mayfield Banks, she’s learned to ask, “What are you not giving yourself credit for that you weren’t able to do before?” Many achievements, such as just missing the level to earn the Top Sales Director trip or being No. 2 instead of No. 1 in her area, she saw as failure. When Roya learned a different perspective, it changed her life. Seeing it as a launching pad for the next goal, Roya says, was the secret to her success.

“It’s always going to come back to reaching up,” Roya explains. “Pam Shaw taught me that a leader needs to work from commitment, not emotion, in order to carry on. Then, the emotion eventually comes.” Another person of rich influence for Roya was her Independent Senior National Sales Director Anita Tripp Brewton. “Anita taught me to lighten up and that this business isn’t just about the products, it’s also about helping people. If you ‘do it anyway’ and have fun; then, the joy, lesson and benefits will come.”

Roya’s personal mission is in the question she continues to ask herself; which is, ‘How can I take others along with me, helping them create more successes within them?’ As a leader, Roya explains, “I didn’t realize how many women’s dreams I was holding back by not creating a goal that was big enough to take other people with me. I had to have a vision that was bigger than me. When the dreams held inside of them started coming out, we had a dream we were creating together. To have 'it all,' choose not to compare or compete; instead, collect great people in your life!”