Pamela Waldrop Shaw

Independent Executive National Sales Director
Pamela Waldrop Shaw
Bowling Green, Kentucky


High school English and dance teacher

“Dream Big”

Began, April 1986; Independent Sales Director, July 1987; Independent National Sales Director, August 2000; Million-Dollar Sales Director eight times; Monthly Go-Give Award, May 1994; Inner Circle eight times

Motivated by:
Fully committed, passionate leaders who strive daily to be more and give more
My best asset:
Passion to support women in finding their God-given dreams, gifts and visions, and mentoring them to live each out
Favorite vacation spot:
Kauai, Hawaii


*A Million-Dollar Sales Director is one whose sales unit has purchased at least $1 million suggested retail of Mary Kay® products for resale during a Seminar year.

“I’m more inner-driven. My calling is to mentor
and multiply leaders of integrity.”


Working hard for the right reasons. “When I began my Mary Kay business, my financial needs were so huge they drove me to succeed.” Independent Executive National Sales Director Pamela Waldrop Shaw is still driven, but the reasons have continued to change.

“Today, I’m more inner-driven. I very much want to work from a place where God has called me to be my best. I feel that my calling is to mentor and multiply leaders of integrity who are centered on the right focus.”

Pam believes it’s so easy to work hard for the wrong reasons. For instance, some might look at a Mary Kay business and just see stuff – earning the use of Career Cars, the jewelry, the commissions earned. “I can help people discover the substance behind the stuff – the understanding that what we do had better matter. And, that while the rewards are wonderful, we must learn to be good stewards of those rewards and not let them govern our lives.”

“I’m committed to creating a level of excellence in behavior and character. That commitment, that hunger to have my own spirit of excellence, drives me each day to put forth the same effort whether I’m standing on a stage or if no one is watching at all.”

Pam is energized by helping women understand what this opportunity has to offer them and their families and supporting them to focus on those qualities that can enhance their personal and Mary Kay business success. “I can easily sell this opportunity because I know it can both fill tangible needs and provide a right direction for life success!”