Jamie Taylor

Independent National Sales Director
Jamie Taylor
Gallatin, Tennessee


University Student

“Verge” by Owl City and Aloe Blacc

Began, June 2012; Independent Sales Director, May 2013; Independent National Sales Director, July 2021. Monthly Go-Give® Award, August 2016.

Motivated by:
My best asset:
Positivity. I love to encourage others to be and feel their best!
Favorite vacation spot:
Anywhere with bright blue water and palm trees.


“I have absolutely no quit in me. I refuse to give up on myself and my dream.”


The process of becoming. It was in her senior year of college, where she was earning a degree to work in advertising and public relations, that Independent National Sales Director Jamie Taylor says Mary Kay “found her.” Jamie’s recruiter warm-chatted her at a gas station! Then later, at a one-on-one facial, shared the Opportunity with her, even though Jamie was reluctant. Jamie adds, “I’m thankful she did! Aside from the appeal of running my own business, I saw an opportunity to grow my confidence and get outside my comfort zone in a fun way.”

Raised in Virginia, Jamie was positively influenced by her parents who were entrepreneurs. Growing up, she saw them weather hard seasons as well as enjoy the flexibility and joy that comes with being your own boss. “I knew from a young age I wanted to own my time like my parents were able to do. Watching them helped me believe it was more than possible,” Jamie recalls. Now, Jamie not only is a very successful entrepreneur in her own right; she also is married to husband, Zac, and is mother to a precious young toddler, Cash. As a family, the Taylors enjoy the outdoors and love live music as well as traveling together. Jamie adds, “The things I have learned in my Mary Kay business have created a ripple effect in my entire life and family and I’m so thankful!”

Even though Jamie says her success comes not only from her “never quit” mentality, “never give up” attachment to her dream, and her belief in the Opportunity and the Company – her journey has plenty of valleys along with the mountain tops. “I was very young when I started my Mary Kay business. It was challenging to work my business on a college campus, and those challenges were incredible growth opportunities for me,” Jamie explains. “College students typically do not have extra spending money and the students I encountered then didn’t necessarily view Mary Kay as a brand for them. I learned vital sales skills to be able to communicate the value in the products for them.” Little by little, Jamie says she learned how to change incorrect perceptions of the Mary Kay product line, so young people correctly understood it for the incredible, trendsetting, and cutting-edge brand it truly is. “I have taken that same skill and transcreated it to social media. And now, I have the privilege of inspiring young women to see that Mary Kay is a brand for all!”

A vibrant and positive woman, Jamie is one who has found success in her Mary Kay business by choosing to run in her strengths, have fun and make a difference for others. “This business showed me how much I love people. I have a blast doing what I do, and everyone can see that,” Jamie says. Showing up well on social media platforms to reach more people and multiplying her influence has had a huge impact on Jamie’s success. Looking back, Jamie claims the journey has been a joy because she can see how God has used it to shape her.

Jamie speaks of her Independent Senior National Sales Director, Lynnea Tate, as a gift – not just in her Mary Kay business, but in her life. “Lynnea is always there to listen, to encourage, to pray with me and for me, and she has always seen the best in me, even at my worst.” Of our founder, Mary Kay Ash, Jamie expresses these sentiments: “I can’t even talk about Mary Kay Ash without crying. I am so incredibly touched by her tenacity to begin this beauty brand as a woman in the ‘60s. I can’t begin to imagine how much she had to overcome so we could enjoy this Opportunity. I am moved by the way she made people feel important and will strive to do the same in her honor.”

Of her mission as an independent sales force leader, Jamie expounded, “It has taken several years to understand my calling, but I’ve discovered that being a leader is important to me because it allows me to not just make an impact in my own family, but in all the families of the women I help to lead. Watching them shine is my greatest joy.”

When asked what special advice or words of encouragement she would give to a new Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant, Jamie said, “My advice is simple. No matter what you do, just do not quit. Stick around long enough to find out what is possible for you and allow yourself to undergo the process. It’s the journey that is the best part! So, don’t let slow beginnings cloud your vision. The process of becoming who you are meant to be is the best part.”