Linnie Woods-Stewart

Independent National Sales Director Emeritus
Linnie Woods-Stewart
Chicago, Illinois

Teacher's assistant

Began, June 1975; Independent Sales Director, August 1976; Independent National Sales Director, October 2000; Monthly Go-Give Award, July 1977 and April 1995

“When you are a blessing to someone, you will be blessed.”


A blessing, passing it on. “When you are a blessing to someone, you will be blessed.” That conviction is what has shaped Independent National Sales Director Emeritus Linnie Woods-Stewart’s winning attitude.

“That, and the fact I was one of Mary Kay’s children. I literally grew up in her light, hearing her messages of caring and sharing. I always strive to follow her belief of the more you share, the more people you reach out to, the more goals you’ll reach. It’s all about how many people I can help.”

When Linnie began her Mary Kay business, she was holding a full-time job and a part-time job just to care for her family. “After I discovered Mary Kay, in six months I was making more money than with those two jobs combined. That’s when I stepped out on faith that I could grow in this business. I’ve never looked back. I’ve never been burned out, never wanted to pack it in and quit.”

To celebrate the success of her unit each year, she and her top unit achievers celebrate together, as a family. Mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, mothers and children all attend. “I’ve seen such wonderful changes in these women and their families. Changes in lifestyle, changes in attitude, changes in the people around them, changes in their hearts.”

“God has granted me this privilege to be a positive influence in others’ lives; who wouldn’t be excited about that?”